SPAL Foundation and BPER together at Stadio Mazza for SPeciALissimiSPAL


SPAL Foundation and BPER together at Stadio Mazza for SPeciALissimi

An exceptional appointment for the SPeciALissimi project, which on the morning of Saturday, January 27 saw the young athletes as protagonists on the lawn of the "Paolo Mazza" Stadium together with their families, the Club's management and a delegation from Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna.

Promoted and organized by SPAL Foundation with the invaluable support of BPER, a historic partner of the Biancazzurro Club, "SPeciALissimi" has the primary objective of fostering the autonomy, self-esteem and awareness of young people with intellectual or motor disabilities, promoting the development of their socialization and is based on the positive values of sport to open the doors to a more inclusive community.

At the end of the training session, which also saw the participation of two soccer players Marco Bertini and Philipp Breit who played together with the project's protagonists, Paolo Tramontano, Valerio Finelli and Rita Minarelli of BPER gave Biancazzurro President Joe Tacopina a check with a donation earmarked precisely for the SPeciALissimi project, as well as a series of gadgets to all the children present.

"This project is something really special for me," said President Tacopina, "and something I am very proud of. To see the joy of all these children and their families is unparalleled, and we want to make this project grow and improve more and more in the near future. BPER's support is really important to us and I thank them for their closeness and cooperation since the beginning of this initiative."

"As BPER Bank we are always in the forefront in supporting initiatives that make the communities where we are present grow culturally and socially," added Valerio Finelli, BPER Area Manager for Ferrara Territory, "with special attention to young people and inclusiveness. The Specialissimi project, in particular, fully embodies these two values: it offers a concrete opportunity for a group of young people to socialize, play a sporting activity and also help them in their path of human growth."

"I am particularly happy to be here today together with the children and families who are the protagonists of SPeciALissmi," continued Martina Vanzetto, Social Responsibility & Charity Manager S.P.A.L., "and I am proud of the great work done by all those who are part of it. I am addressing, first and foremost, our SPeciALissmi athletes, who under the guidance of Simone Vallieri and all the rest of the staff, are dedicating themselves with commitment, passion and tenacity to all the activities proposed to them, but not only that because I also want to thank all the parents and families of the children for the trust they have placed in us and for their organizational support in every initiative. To be able to witness day after day the strengthening of what is truly a family is truly a great satisfaction."

"It is a great pleasure to be able to see the growth and development of SPeciALissimi," Laura Semprini, Project Manager of S.P.A.L. Foundation, then concluded, "but all this would not have been possible without the contribution of our partners and BPER in particular, which, for years by the side of the Biancazzurro Club, is now also a supporter of the activities of our Foundation. I thank them for believing in our project, and it is a source of pride to see the partnership between these two entities growing stronger and stronger. Special thanks go to Rita Minarelli for the passion and drive with which she has always spent herself for S.P.A.L. and the S.P.A.L. Foundation."