SPALThe presentation conference of Luca Ghiringhelli and Tomi Petrovič


The presentation conference of Luca Ghiringhelli and Tomi Petrovič

The press conference for the presentation of the two new biancazzurri players Luca Ghiringhelli and Tomi Petrovič was held this afternoon.

It was the new spallino defender Luca Ghiringhelli who was the first to answer the questions of the journalists present: "My goals pass from those of the team, personally I hope to play as much as possible but at this moment the most important thing is the group and to get out of this situation as soon as possible. I knew the environment I would find, I already know the square and obviously the sporting situation, but I found a united and compact group of guys who want to get out of the current position as soon as possible."

"I am a right fullback I like to play in a four, but in a three-man defense I can play fourth or fifth. My condition is good, I'm fine, I just have to assimilate the workloads that by necessity with different staffs, have changed. The impact with the coach on a personal level has been good: Di Carlo is looking for a relationship with everyone, we have only been training together for a few days, but he is a very experienced coach and will surely be able to give us a hand. When there is a change of technical leadership it is impossible not to feel the responsibility, I speak for myself but I think I can also speak for all my teammates. The coach always pays because it is easier to change a single person than a group, but the one who takes the field is the player and that is why from day one the responsibility is always and above all the responsibility of the players."

"Compared to my previous experience in Ferrara, the situation today is different because at that time we had a club that did not help us out and did not pay our salaries. Today these problems are not there but we have to think match by match: we are in a position where we have to score a lot of points but we should not look too far ahead because it would deconcentrate us, we have to stay united, work hard and look only at the present."

"A couple of years ago I was approached by SPAL but there was never any real contact, while today the negotiation was quick because when the director called me I immediately gave my availability. I only took a day to think about it, not because I had doubts but because I have a small child and wondered if moving the family mid-season was the right choice; however, it was easy to dispel these doubts and accept SPAL's proposal."

After that it was Tomi Petrovič's turn to answer questions and curiosity of journalists: "I am a striker, I am young and of course I would like to score as many goals as possible although the main goal remains to help the team get out of this situation as soon as possible. The teammates have welcomed me well, the group is healthy and cohesive and we work well, now we just have to continue like this with desire and determination."

"I'm a second forward but I can also be a center forward or outside forward if needed. Physically I'm fine, I feel 100 percent fit and I've been totally available to the coach since Friday."

"The situation I am experiencing here in Ferrara I have already experienced in other places, even though I am young it is not new to me. Not winning is difficult, if you're a striker and you don't score it's hard but you just have to keep working hard and as far as I'm concerned obviously try to score goals."

"When I got the call from SPAL I accepted immediately, it's a great club with a warm fan base, it's a square you can't refuse."