"Cittadinanza digitale: una partita da vincere", the project presentation conferenceSPAL


"Cittadinanza digitale: una partita da vincere", the project presentation conference

To promote cyberbullying prevention in schools in the Ferrara area. This is the main objective of the "Cittadinanza Digitale: una partita da vincere" course, created by Synergie Italia, Fondazione Carolina and Risorse Italia in collaboration with S.P.A.L. Foundation and the patronage of the Municipalities of Ferrara, Copparo and Ostellato. The project was presented this morning in the prestigious setting of the Sala dell'Arengo, inside the Palazzo Ducale Estense in Ferrara.

The prevention course will take place through an educational program developed in the high schools of the sponsoring municipalities. The initiative is part of the project "Nel cuore della Rete," already successfully tested in the Novara area, where about 1,000 students were involved. After Piemonte, the path is extended to Emilia Romagna with the aim of becoming a point of reference for many territories in our country.

Taking part in the presentation press conference were Dorota Kusiak, Councillor for Equal Opportunities, Public Education, Training and Family Policies of the Municipality of Ferrara, Andrea Maggi, Councillor for Sport of the Municipality of Ferrara, Fabrizio Pagnoni, Mayor of Copparo, Elena Rossi, Mayor of Ostellato, Daniela Stuppi, CMO of Synergie Italia, Cristiano Bertelli, Training Manager of Risorse Italia, Ivano Zoppi, Secretary General of the Carolina Foundation and Laura Semprini, Project Manager S.P.A.L. Foundation.

The presentation takes place not coincidentally in the month of February, already enlivened by many events dedicated to the theme included in the week of Safer Internet Day and the National Day against Bullying and Cyberbullying. In a world where young people are increasingly connected and at an increasingly tender age, the set goal is to give young people in Ferrara, an ever-increasing awareness and useful tools for recognizing incidents of cyberbullying and dealing with them in the best way.

Also present in the Arengo Hall were boys and girls from the Einaudi, CFP CESTA, Navarra and Boiardo Institutes, and it was to them that Ivano Zoppi, Secretary General of the Carolina Foundation, addressed the event, telling the story of Carolina Picchio, the young girl after whom the Foundation is named and who took her own life in 2013 precisely because of cyberbullying. A number of students from Secondary Schools also participated, in the hope that the path will also involve them in future years.

High School students will go through a 16-hour training and experiential education that aims to engage them emotionally by focusing on values and the importance of teamwork. A metaphor, the latter, also emphasized by S.P.A.L. which, through S.P.A.L. Foundation, has fully espoused the values of this initiative.

Daniela Stuppi, CMO Synergie Italy: "The start of this course is a very important moment for us because it puts young people at the center of everything. Their safety, in this case digital, and their inclusion have always been a cornerstone of our Synergie School division. We are really excited to bring this experience to high schools in the Ferrara area as well. We thank Fondazione Carolina and Risorse Italia for their support and expertise. Special thanks also go to S.P.A.L. Foundation, which immediately welcomed this course with great enthusiasm and warmth."

Ivano Zoppi, Secretary General Carolina Foundation: "On the subject of digital security, it is fundamental, to raise awareness among children and families, as well as national and local institutions. However, it is not enough to talk about it during a lecture, which is often frontal and without interaction; the words must be followed by a continuous and constant commitment in the field, certainly in the classrooms, but also involving the territories. This is the added value of our partnership with Synergie and Risorse Italia, which from this year also involves Emilia Romagna, starting with Ferrara and its community."

Dorota Kusiak, Councillor for Education of the Municipality of Ferrara: "The Municipal Administration is actively engaged as a partner in the project to prevent and support victims of cyberbullying. Through the patronage and collaboration of the Education Department, the Municipality recognizes the crucial importance of this project, which particularly involves young students, especially considering the worrying increase of the phenomenon. In this context, the essential role of sports emerges as a useful and effective tool in the fight against cyberbullying, promoting values of respect, solidarity and fair play that contribute to creating a safer and more welcoming environment for all citizens. This project is made possible thanks to a solid network of partners, to whom our thanks go, who bring their expertise to reach young people and promote digital awareness in order to prevent the damage of the phenomenon."

Andrea Maggi, Councillor for Sport of the Municipality of Ferrara: "For young people, sport plays a fundamental role because, in addition to discipline, it also teaches respect for rules and others. Today, young people often take refuge in the web and, in addition to not doing physical activity and not growing together with their peers, they can run into the risks that the world of social can hide. The web is an extraordinary source of information, the challenge is to know how to choose the correct ones and not get into the worst side of the web, which can lead to involvement in cyber bullying. This is a beautiful project that with conviction and enthusiasm we support and hope will spread."

Laura Semprini, Project Manager S.P.A.L. Foundation: "Aware of the influence and impact that a historic football club like ours can have on young people, when we were contacted by Synergie and Carolina Foundation to collaborate on their project we did not hesitate for a moment. Cyberbullying is an issue that touches us all closely and that we cannot afford to ignore. To combat it, it is essential to join forces and create alliances and synergies united by the same values and goals."