SPALSPAL - Carrarese, coach Di Carlo's pre-match conference

FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2024

SPAL - Carrarese, coach Di Carlo's pre-match conference

On the eve of the upcoming game, coach Mimmo Di Carlo presented the SPAL - Carrarese match, scheduled for Saturday, March 23 at 5:30 p.m., in the pre-match press conference of the 33rd day of the Serie C NOW 2023-2024 Championship.

"We are SPAL and it is above all at home, together with our fans, that we must build our salvation. Tomorrow I expect commitment, but also a lot of concentration and that great desire to score points that the team in the last period has put in all the matches we have played."

"I think that in the last period the continuity has been there, as well as the performance and it is evident to everyone how the team has changed its attitude, always playing the game until the ninety-fifth minute. Even in the Pontedera challenge the boys were able to build two goal chances, after the goal conceded in the 93rd minute, and this is a very important fact for us. As I always say, in this moment we have to think only about us: Carrarese is a tough team, which has quality, but also suffers, and for this reason we have to focus on ourselves to play a great game from a technical, physical and mental point of view."

"Carrarese plays with 3-5-2 very proactive, with lots of insertions and the two fifths being two fast and quick players. It's a tough, classy team that is third in the standings with merit. The numbers, however, also say that between now and the end there are six games and there is no longer third versus 14th, but there is only who has more desire to win and who has more desire to battle and bring home points. For SPAL, this is precisely the immediate goal to achieve together with our fans, because it is at home that we must achieve salvation."

"The day after the Pontedera defeat we were all still angry, starting with our president, because we cannot afford to concede such a team-wide inattention. Together with the boys we analyzed the images and now the only important thing is to get up and react, because we have no time to think negatively. We must not waste energy, we are SPAL and we must only go on the field determined to win points."